
1:Drinkwater Park and Cussons

2:Jubilee Bridge and Agecroft Bridge

3:Agecroft Power Station

4:Agecroft Cooling Towers

5:Agecroft Cooling Towers

6:Agecroft Cooling Towers

7:Agecroft Cooling Towers

8:Agecroft Cooling Towers

9:Agecroft Cooling Towers

10:Agecroft Cooling Towers

11:Agecroft Cooling Towers from various train junctions

12:Agecroft Cooling Towers from various train junctions

13:Agecroft Cooling Towers from various train junctions

14:Demolition of Agecroft Cooling Towers

15:Demolition of Agecroft Cooling Towers



16:Demolition of Agecroft Cooling Towers

17:Kersal Social Club and Local Pubs

18:The Racecourse

19:The Airhouse, Salford University Halls of Residence and Kersal Subpower Station

20:Littleton Road Sports Pavillion

21:Kersal Cell History and Pictures

22:Kersal Cell Newspaper Reports

23:Agecroft Rowing Club

24:Agecroft Colliery

25:Agecroft Colliery

26:Agecroft Colliery

27:Agecroft Colliery

28:Salford Precinct

29:Salford Precinct

30:Co-Op Building,St. Pauls Church and Agecroft Cemetary