Personal Pictures 11

A series of personal pictures submitted by Jamie McAlpine.

If you would like to submit any pictures email

June McAlpine on the balcony of 22 Jonson House with obligatory clothes maiden on the landing. In the background you can see Milton House and the park beyond.


Jamie McAlpine once more wrestling a cat.

June McAlpine, Talc McAlpine, Jamie McAlpine and Francis McQuillan on the grass between Milton House and Jonson House.


June McAlpine on the balcony at Jonson House in the early 70s.


Talc McAlpine and June in the mid 70s woth Chaucer Court in the background

June McAlpine getting some peace and quite to read the newspaper

June Mcalpine, Talc McAlpine on the balcony, and Jamie McAlpine still cat wrestling.


Jamie McAlpine, Talc McAlpine and an unknown boy wrestle and play on the grass between Jonson House and Milton House in the 1970s.


Yet again Jamie McAlpine is cat wrestling on the balcony of 22 Jonson House and this time he is accompanied by Talc McAlpine.


June Mcalpine and Jack play on the grass in the middle of the flats.