Personal Pictures

A section devoted to personal pictures that visitors to the site have donated and which are part of their life in Kersal Flats or the surrounding streets.

If you have any pictures that you would like to donate then email

Page 1 Yours truly, Sullivans of Milton House, the flats and flat life 1970s Page 19 Harry Davies with more on Kersal Life 1960s-1990s.
Page 2 The McAlpine clan of Johnson House. Life on the flast 1970s Page 20 Jan Williams provides a glimpse of her life in Kersal from the 1970s to the 1980s
Page 3 Tony Cook of John Bacon Court. Flat life in the 1960s-1970s Page 21 Pictures of Whit Walks by St. Aidans in the 1960s and 1970s
Page 4 Harry Davies of MacKenzie Road. Kersal life 1960s-1980s Page 22 Pictures of St. Aidan's in the 1970s and 1980s
Page 5 Paul Bird of Shakespeare House provides a wonderful glimpse of life on the flats 1960s-1980s. Page 23 Diane Wrigley provides a wonderful glimpse of Kersal life in the 1970s and 1980s
Page 6 More great pictures from Paul Bird. Page 24 Stella Rawson of Milton house provides some wondeful pictures of Kersal life in the 1970s and 1980s
Page 7 Yet more great slices of local history from Paul Bird. Page 25 Paul Bird of Shakespeare House offers some pictures of Kersal in the 1960s-1980s
Page 8 Various including Alan Birchall, Adele Waring, John Pavitt, Kev Isted, Mark Green and Alan Jones on flat life from 1960-1980s. Page 26 Liam Mallon of Milton House provides pictures of a Kersal childhood 1970s-1980s
Page 9 Ken Smith, Chris Bernie, Tony Singh, Wayne Anglin and Paul Pickup in the 1980s. Christine and Julie Perry in the 1960s. Mike Bennet and the Murphys of Milton House on Kersal life 1960s-1980s Page 27 More great pictures from Liam Mallon.
Page 10 More slices of 1970s life on Kersal Flats from the McAlpine clan of Johnson House. Page 28 Wendy Whittaker of Browning House produces some superb images of Kersal life from the early 1960s to the late 1970s
Page 11 And more from the McAlpines Page 29 More from Wendy Whittaker
Page 12 Various including Gary & Alan Turner, the Radfords 1960s-1970s, Craig Barrington and Mike and Alan Richardson. Slice of life 1960s-1980s Page 30 Graham Ball of John Bacon Court produces some glimpses of Kersal life in the 1960s
Page 13 Harry Davies with more on Kersal Life 1960s-1990s. Page 31 Beryle Hawke of 109 Chaucer Court provides a view of Kersal Life in the 1970s and 1980s
Page 14 The Jones family of Cowper House on Kersal life in the 1970s Page 32 Beryle Hawke provides pictures of the Castle Pub in the 1970s and 1980s
Page 15 Kersal in the 1970s and 1980s from Pauline Gillibrand, Joyce Copeland, Katrina Waring et al Page 33 More from Paul Collins.
Page 16 Paul Collins on Kersal life from the 1960s to the 1990s Page 34 Paul Bird of Shakespeare House offers some pictures of Kersal in the 1970s-1980s
Page 17 More from Paul Collins. Page 35 Gail Smith of Browning House with Kersal life in the 1970s
Page 18 Harry Davies with more on Kersal Life 1960s-1990s. Page 36 Sue Stanton of Milton House with Kersal life in the 1960s