Littleton Road Sports Pavillion

The Sports Pavillion in the early 1980s.

The Pavillion from Keats court around 1980. Thanks to Jimmy Clarke.

The original sports pavillion on Littleton Road. Picture here in 1990 and looking past its best.
A series of local newspaper articles on the building of the Sports Pavillion and thereafter. Click on the newspaper to open up a larger copy.

A report from the Salford City Reporter on the 5th May 1972 noting that the plans for the new sports complex had been approved

The Salford City Reporter from the 20th April 1973 bemoaning the delayed completion date for the new Sports Pavillion.

The Salford City Reporter from the 1st June 1973 noting that the Pavillion should have been completed by May 1972 will not be complete until December 1973.

The Salford City Reporter on the 29th June 1973 noting serious concerns that completion would now be January 1973.

On the 21st December 1973 the Salford City Reporter notes that the Sports Pavillion will have a bar.

On the 1st February 1974 the Salford City Reporter announces that Pavillion might be ready for the formal opening on March 30th 1974.

On the 12th February 1974 the Manchester Evening News notes that the bar in the new Pavillion will cost £2350 or half the cost of a house and it will take months to install. |

On the 26th February 1974 the Manchester Evening News notes that Salford Council has run out of money to pay for the bar. Thus the brewery offered to pay for the bar as long as the club purchased all drinks for them for five years.

On the 12th April 1974 the Salford City Reporter announced that the Sports Pavillion had been formally opened by the Mayor Harry Williams

The Salford City Reporter notes sporting achievements on the 18th September 1981.